Archive for the ‘irrelevant’ Category

ga ga ga ga ga


I know this is old news, but I’m just amazed at how good Spoon’s 2007 album Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga is. I was listening to it today with a friend who’s also an intense fan, and it had been so long since I’ve sung along to Underdog and all of that… It just felt so good to do it again. I don’t know why its critical acclaim wasn’t surprisingly high, although it was considerably good; I just think the tracks in it are so delicious, in a way, to listen to, that it should have had greater recognition. These are the ones I like the best.

The Underdog (3:42)

You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb (3:09)

On another note, I have actual proof that Jim Morrison is a genius now. He used to say that “some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts”, and today I think that that was possibly the biggest mistake of my entire life. It sounds shallow, but it’s just so… bad.